Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Traction Man by Mini Grey (Kindergarten-Grade 2) by Ying Cui

Kindergarten-Grade 2: Traction Man by Mini Grey 

Grey, M. (2005). Traction Man. New York, NY: Random House. (First publish in UK)
USBBY Outstanding International Book 2006, Kindergarten-Grade 2 category

Within the feature of graphic novel and a good deal of visual wit, Mini Grey provided an entertaining story of Traction man, a boy’s courageous action figure, who wore combat boots, scuba gear, space suit, and camouflage to experience a variety of adventures with his pet, a Scrubbing Brush and other objects in the house. Later, the boy’s Granny gave Traction Man a present: a hand-knitted green romper suit and bonnet. Even though equipped with this nerdy-knitted and embarrassing outfit, Traction Man undertook another rescue mission and succeeded once again. (Book Review from School Library Journal)

Possible questions for discussion:

      1.    Since Traction Man includes some elements of comic book such as the combination of narrative, speech, and annotation and the target readers are ranging from kindergarteners to second graders, I'm curious what strategies may help teacher to guide emergent readers to read this book?
      2.    How the image of the superhero, Traction Man from UK is different from the common image of superhero in U.S. pop culture?

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